Take part in a campaign to promote the cultural heritage of Uzbekistan

15.12.2020 1071

The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Tourism Development within the framework of the Week of "Cultural heritage of Uzbekistan – the Foundation of a new Renaissance" is holding a campaign to promote the cultural and historical heritage of our country.

The purpose of the campaign is to preserve, study and widely promote the cultural heritage of Uzbekistan among the public, in particular among the young people, as well as showcasing the unique manuscripts included in “Cultural Heritage of Uzbekistan in world collections” series, which will be presented within the framework of the Cultural Heritage Week of Uzbekistan.

Participation period: from 15 to 25 December 2020

Condition of participation:

Anyone who have reached the age of 16, regardless of citizenship, including students, scientists, historians and journalists, can participate in the campaign.

To participate in the contest, applicants must attend a Cultural Heritage Week, which will be held from December 15 to 19, 2020 in the Palace Of Youth Creativity in Tashkent, and post photos, videos and articles obtained in the course of the Forum, on their pages in social media networks (Facebook/Instagram/Youtube/TikTokTwitter/Telegram) with the hashtags  #uzbektourism #uzbmeros and subscribe to the pages of the "National PR Center" under State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Tourism Development in the social network (Facebook, Instagram , YouTube, Tik Tok , Twitter , Telegram).

If you want to take part in the Telegram contest, you need to send your post to @nationalprcentre. Submissions you submit will be posted to the @cultural_heritage channel.

Attention, winners in Telegram will be determined only by published materials on the @cultural_heritage channel.

There are three winners will be in each of these social media networks, determined according to the number of likes and views collected on their photos, videos and articles posted on these social media networks.

The winners will be awarded with certificates of participation in the competition and cash prizes:

1st place - 5 million soums;

2nd place - 3 million soums;

3rd place - 2 million soums.

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