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Shivit osh


The masters of Uzbek gastronomy never stop to surprise! Some dishes can take us to the other world – the world of culinary adventures.

If you are lucky to visit the Khorezm region, be sure to taste Shivit osh there!

Shivit osh, Uzbek pasta on dill infusion, is a national dish of Khorezm (native Khiva) cuisine. Real Shivit osh or “Khorezm lagman” is bright green noodles with dill, white sour-milk sauce, and “Vaju” sauce made of vegetables and meat. The taste surprises. This dish is prepared mainly in summer.

This is a kind of quintessence of green pasta Carbonara or Tagliatelle. The recipe of this ancient dish became known in Uzbekistan thanks to the Khiva chef  Rajab Sattarov, who moved to Tashkent in 1958.

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