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A facecard of Andijan - Devonaboy Mosque


Every city has iconic places that make it special. In Andijan, such a place is the Devonaboy Mosque. This beautiful, incredibly beautiful building of architecture reflects the rich history of the city and modern architectural solutions.  Andijan is the oldest city in Uzbekistan, its age is more than 2500 years. In some parts of the city, historical monuments dating from the VII-VIII centuries BC have been preserved. Since ancient times, Andijan has been an important strategic city, the route of the Great Silk Road passed through it, travelers and merchants came here to discover a new unexplored world.

So, in the Eski shahar (Old Town) area there is a magnificent building with two towering minarets - the Devonaboy Mosque. The Cathedral Mosque is the largest mosque in the Fergana Valley. The structure was erected in 1899 in the very center of Andijan, and for 121 years it has been one of the most visited religious buildings of Andijan. The mosque got its name after a rich merchant Devonaboy. The most eminent masters of their time were involved in the construction.  
In the 20s of the last century, the mosque was closed. But since 1944, the religious institution has been operating continuously. In 2018, the mosque was reconstructed. The structure has been noticeably expanded and now 5 thousand people can pray inside at the same time. The facade and minarets of the spacious building are decorated in Oriental style, the entrance to the mosque has a solemn portal. The height of the minarets was increased to 35 meters. Surprisingly, the appearance of the mosque combines elements of traditional oriental and modern architecture. The beautiful walls of the building, the prayer hall, verandas, ablution rooms - have become a place of calm and full-fledged stay in the mosque. In addition, parishioners can visit the library and computer room on the territory of the mosque. Now the mosque has become a real business card of the city.
Just a five-minute walk from the mosque, along Altynkul Street, there is the Jami architectural complex, on the territory of which there are the Jami Mosque, the Jami Madrasah, the Andijan Museum of Local Lore. Across the street from the complex you can visit the ancient bazaar "Eski Shahar", as well as numerous shopping centers and catering places.

Walking around the city, be sure to enjoy all the colorful charms of Andijan. In the cozy corners of the city you can see craft centers with branded souvenirs. 

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