A new system of safe tourism is being launched in Uzbekistan

04.06.2020 1051

On May 28, 2020, the President of Uzbekistan signed a new decree "On urgent measures to support the tourism sector to reduce the negative impact of the coronavirus pandemic".

During the international online tourism conference “the Path of revival” under the auspices of the UNWTO, Aziz Abdukhakimov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Chairman of the State Committee for Tourism Development, declared that the tourism recovery in Uzbekistan will be carried out in three stages.

Stage 1: starting from June 1, 2020, domestic tourism is resumed in the regions of Uzbekistan with “green” and “yellow” quarantine levels.

Related organizations in the indicated areas – tour operators, travel agencies, accommodation facilities, objects of culture, and others, can begin to operate from this date with strict observance of established sanitary and hygienic norms and requirements.

In Uzbekistan, 63% of tour operators and 81% of accommodation facilities (hotels, hostels) have suspended their activities and the first stage will be devoted to the recovery of their activities through domestic tourism. In order to be as ready as possible for the recovery of inbound tourism, the security system “Uzbekistan. Safe travel GUARANTEED” will be implemented at this stage.

Stage 2 – recovery of the organized regional tourism with neighboring countries and CIS countries.

At the same time, the safety measures, sanitary and hygienic requirements and the social distance must be observed throughout the route of tourist groups. It is also advisable to create a joint rapid response group.

The State Committee for Tourism Development invites colleagues in the CIS region to combine this work with the efforts to develop new combined tours on various topics: gastronomic tours, vitamin tours, nomad tours, motorcycle tours, swim tours, archaeological and others, which will take place along our tourist cities and centres.

A special platform “Silk Road Project” has been also created to promote not only the tourism potential of the Silk Road countries, but also the promising regional tourist products and routes.

Stage 3: Uzbekistan will gradually recover the inbound tourism

The work will be carried out with the foreign countries with the most favorable epidemiological situation.

Many European and Asian countries are gradually emerging from the crisis of the coronavirus pandemic and are preparing to open tourist markets.

In this regard, Uzbekistan is conducting a thorough analysis of measures taken in other countries in terms of sanitary and epidemiological safety and prevention of new cases of diseases. Based on the results of this analysis, decisions will be made on the geography of resuming international flights to our country.

During the three stages of recovery of the tourism industry, along with the improving the security of stay and the rest of the local and foreign tourists, special attention is paid to the development and implementation of new events, food festivals and promotions, music festival “Stihiya”, beach games “Aksakal”, the Harvest Festival, a Week of "third age tourism" and others.

At the same time, taking into account the new realities due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the requirements for the process of organizing tourism and leisure, creating safe conditions for domestic and inbound tourism, Uzbekistan has developed the project "Uzbekistan. Safe travel GUARANTEED. The project is a new system of sanitary and epidemiological safety for tourists based on the world standards.

The certification of tourism facilities and related infrastructure and tourist services based on the new sanitary and hygienic requirements will be mandatory for:

• all state border points;

• air, railway and auto stations;

• cultural heritage objects, museums, theaters and others.

At the same time, the State Committee for Tourism Development together with the Ministry of Healthcare will form and supplement the “list of safe places", on the basis of which tour operators will form tourist routes.

The certification of business entities (catering services, accommodation facilities, transport services, etc.) will be carried out on a voluntary basis.

A working group with the participation of public organizations will be organized to monitor compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements for safe service.

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