Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

A short-term course for novice guides has been announced

03.06.2020 1705

The Institute for Tourism Development under the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Tourism Development calls for participants for a short-term course “Interactive tour guide course”. The course is aimed at the advanced training for novice guides.

During the course, the participants will be able to improve their professional skills and get acquainted with the European experience in organizing and conducting excursions.

The course consists of three parts:

1) How to stay healthy during the tour;

2) How to deliver an amazing tour;

3) Group Tour Dynamics and Guest Interaction.

The course is intended for English-speaking guides with no work experience and/or at least 3 years of experience on the market. Upon successful completion of the course, the participants will be issued certificates of international standard.

Dates: June 10, 17, 24, 2020

Venue: Zoom platform

Language: English.

Time: 12:00 local time.

Duration of each course: 2 hours.


Shani Halsman – an international consultant on tourism development and guided tours, adviser to the Institute for Tourism Development, owner and co-founder of EastguidesWest (EU).

Barnaby Davies – an international consultant on tourism development, founder of EastguidesWest (EU).

To pass the competitive selection process, you must fill out the application form using the link before June 8, 2020:

The number of participants is limited.

For more information, call +998909309449.

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