Alley of Writers in Tashkent


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A wonderful place for walking among the trees and flower beds. The alley will immerse you in an atmosphere of learning and peace.

The bronze monuments headed by the "father" of Uzbek literature Alisher Navoi form a single architectural ensemble covering an area of more than 8 hectares.

Sculptures of more than 20 prominent figures, including writers and poets, critics and publicists: Babur, Muhammad Riza Ogahi, Zakirjan Furkat, Muhammad Aminkhoja Mukimi, Mahmudkhoja Behbudi, Berdah, Abdullah Avloni, Abdulhamid Chulpan, Abdullah Qadiri, Abdullah Qahhar and many others are erected on the Alley.

The Alley of Writers will become a place where creative events, poetic performances, book presentations and exhibitions will be held. Uzbek literature should become an integral part of our daily life, because in modern realities, young people are increasingly turning to the classics of Uzbek literature.

In this regard, it is also planned to open a library and launch an Internet portal "Alley of Writers", so that anyone can visit the site to read works of Uzbek literature in online format. 

The website will be available in three languages: Uzbek, English and Russian. In addition, not far from the Alley, the Tashkent Museum will soon open, which contains unique collections dedicated to rich culture and traditions, reflecting the entire history of the capital of Uzbekistan.

We recommend that you visit the Alley of writers, where you can relax your mind and soul while reading your favorite book.

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