Altyaryk district - the grape region of the Fergana Valley


For the juiciest and sweetest grapes, you can go to the Altyaryk district, to the village of Uzumchi, located 4 kilometers from the railway station connecting Fergana and Kokand.

The Altyaryk district has long been famous for its unique vineyards. In recent years, a kind of school of cultivation of this crop has appeared here, dozens of grape varieties have been bred. Such varieties as “black prince”, “Hussain”, “Rizamat-Ota” are in demand not only in the domestic market, but also in foreign countries.

Photo: Elena Shchipkova

Practically every family in Altyaryk grows grapes. It seems that the residents are cultivating different varieties of wine berries competing with each other – who will get a better and richer harvest. Hardworking Altyaryk residents, competing for creativity, created an improvised greenhouse, using the latest methods of storing grapes in a bottle.

After the visit of the leader of State Sh. Mirziyoyev to the Fergana Valley in May 2019, the district administration was instructed to gradually reduce the area of grain crops in the Altyaryk district by 3,000 hectares and create vineyards in this place. As a result, vineyards on 1,350 hectares have been restored and 2,700 jobs have been created.

Truly, Altyaryk residents can be proud of the variety of grapes, because they are really delicious and for every taste. As they say, what they are rich with is what they are happy with…

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