Amir Temur's Cave: in search of the Unknown


Speleology lovers and adventurers know that caves are the most mysterious. Therefore, researchers are always faced with a difficult task, feasible only for daredevils. This is what happens with the study of the Cave of Amir Timur. They say that treasures are hidden at the very depth of such a cave.

Going to the cave is not a sight for the faint of heart and not for the claustrophobic. After all, to conquer it, you will have to go deeper and further into the bowels, and in some places you will even need to crawl. However, this does not stop most people, because already at the very entrance to the cave, inexplicable magnetism and attraction will be waiting for you. It is difficult to explain what attracts such a cave, either a thirst for curiosity, or the strongest energy of Amir Timur himself.

According to legend, it was here that the novice commander, having gathered his army, decided to make a stop for the winter to gather his strength and go to conquer Kesh (Shakhrisabz), and then Samarkand. In fact, it was from this cave that Amir Timur's career began. Gathering not only his strength, but also his thoughts, the young Tamerlane already knew exactly what he wanted and how to achieve it. Indeed, the cave is literally imbued with such a spirit. It does not take away strength, as it often happens in the mountains, but on the contrary, it adds incredible courage and self-confidence.

The cave of Amir Timur is located in the Kashkadarya region, in the tract "Kalla-i-Shiron", which means "Lion Fortress". Getting to the cave is a difficult quest: numerous obstacles will be waiting for you at every step. This is a vertical two-hundred-meter gorge, which can only be descended by a narrow path, and an unceasing powerful stream of a mountain river.

Looking at the cave from above, it becomes clear why it is so called. It really looks like a fortress. The stone cavity consists of two caves: the main one, the length of which is 750 meters, and the through one, its length is 190 meters. Perhaps there used to be one whole cave here that was destroyed. Its height above sea level is 2550 meters.

The main confirmation that Amir Timur stayed here is an artificially created platform at the very entrance to the cave. Lined with stones, it is carefully leveled and covered with earth. There is also a large stake for tying horses. Inside the cave, you can see unusual shafts, oddly shaped stone stalactites. In the central part there is a large landslide, and in the southern part there is a lake, the water in which retains its temperature regime in the region of 6-8 degrees. People whose weight does not exceed 90 kilograms will be able to see the lake, so narrow are the passages to the cherished lake.

Slowly and carefully, you can explore such a natural phenomenon with great pleasure and see the beautiful spectacle of the mysterious kingdom, which is revealed only to the elect.

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