Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

An article about Uzbekistan has been launched on the world's largest information portal BBC World News

23.12.2022 1771

In continuation of the advertising campaign to promote the tourism potential of Uzbekistan, organized by the National PR-Centre together with the largest media corporation in the world BBC with the support of the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the international TV channel BBC World News and digital resources of the BBC media corporation in 2022, on the largest information portal of the world - site - an article about Uzbekistan appeared.

BBC journalists write about the cultural and historical heritage of Uzbekistan, about the national heroes of Uzbekistan, such as Amir Timur and Mirzo Ulugbek, who have made an invaluable contribution to the development of world history and science, culture and art. Special attention is paid to the national Uzbek cuisine and the rich architecture of the ancient and modern cities of Uzbekistan.

An article about Uzbekistan on the portal can be read by following the link:

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