The Association of Tour Operators of Russia recommends the top natural places of Uzbekistan for travel

16.02.2023 1212

The Journal of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR) has published a series of articles about the picturesque places of Uzbekistan worthy of admiration.

The first article published  in the weekly magazine "Profile" is dedicated to the impressive nature of the Jizzakh region, popular health-improving places, a unique protected area, local flavor and national cuisine.

"Uzbekistan is considered a place where several important elements for any tourist merge at once. There you can see world-famous architectural monuments included in the UNESCO Cultural Heritage List, and ancient cities, and modern streets, and taste unusual national cuisine, and be inspired by impressive nature."- the author notes.

In the Jizzakh region, the author recommends visiting the Zaamin district –Nurata Reserve, Lake Aydarkul in the Kyzylkum desert, on the shore of which you can watch pink pelicans and swans, as well as the Zaamin National Nature Park, it is also called "Uzbek Switzerland".

For lovers of national color and peculiarities of indigenous peoples, there are mountain villages Ashraf, Hayat, Ukhum, Sentyabsai in the region, you can also find ancient rock carvings on the Nurata ridge, various archaeological sites and a thousand–year-old tree Savr - Biota Vostochnaya. According to one of the legends, Alexander the Great planted it. Hiking, horseback riding tours, programs for exploring rural life and excursions to mountain villages are organized for travelers in the reserve.

Among the gastronomic brands of the Jizzakh region, the author highlights tandoor kabob, jiz and juicy samsa. These dishes are prepared everywhere and are inexpensive.

The second article of the ATOR Journal recommends TOP-7 landscapes of Navoi region in Uzbekistan, which take your breath away.

The author of the article makes a short excursion into the history of the foundation of an ancient and at the same time relatively young region named after the great Turkic poet Alisher Navoi.

"A variety of tourists love the Navoi region. – writes the author. -History lovers are attracted here by unique historical and architectural monuments, museums, archaeological sites. And connoisseurs of majestic panoramas are attracted by lakes, wild mountain trails, giant stones and, of course, an interesting open–air museum - a repository of petroglyphs."

Among the popular attractions for scenic recreation, the herald of Navoi region notes lakes Tudakul and Aydarkul, which are part of the Aydar-Arnasai system of drainless lakes.

Lake Tudakul, located in the middle of the Kyzylkum desert, is always filled with locals and tourists. For those traveling on Tudakul, the author recommends staying at the new Silk Road Family Resort and the Lazurnaya recreation area with a hotel complex, cottages, cafes. Here you can also visit the ancient gorge of Sarmyshsay – the keeper of a unique collection of rock paintings (petroglyphs) dating back to the times of the primitive communal system.

Tourists who wish to spend a few days in the gorge should pay attention to the recreation center "Grand Sarmyshsay". It is located near a mysterious gorge. Also here you can relax in the resort areas "Sarmyshsai Navoi" and "Almaz Soy".

For lovers of the most ancient unique places and fantastic corners of nature, the author also recommends visiting the stone forest in the Dzharakuduk tract, also in the Navoi region.

"The power of the tourist attraction of this place is fantastical in its image fragments of vertically standing petrified tree trunks with a height of 4 meters. According to one of the alternative versions, these "pipes" are not fossilized ancient trees at all, but sand that once became a stone monolith under the influence of very high temperatures," the publication notes.

No less fantastic landscapes can be seen in the village of Sangijumon. Here you can find a unique swinging stone located at an altitude of about 900 meters above sea level. A boulder of a bizarre shape weighs several tons. However, in order for it to start swinging, it will take very little effort.

For authentic culture and local flavor, the author suggests going to the village of Sentob, located between the Nuratinsky Mountains and the Kyzylkum desert.

Ancient mud-brick dwellings here with narrow doors and low ceilings, literally drown in greenery, ride donkeys and horses along the roads, weave, sew, cook food in hearths and tandoor stoves. Everything has preserved its pristine and harmonious.

Among the local dishes, the publication recommends tasting delicious pilaf cooked according to a special recipe from unpolished red rice devzira, one of the most expensive in the region. Also, here you can taste delicious manti, shurpa, shish kebab and smoke – baked vegetables with lamb stewed in their own juice.

 The series of publications was released as part of a joint project of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia and the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

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