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Babur Memorial Park and House Museum


"Wise people call glory a second existence."

(Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur, 1483-1530)

How accurate and faithful was the incomparable Babur in his words. It was as if he foresaw his future, performing feats and creating immortal works.

Andijan is the birthplace of the courageous "Yegits" and the legendary Babur, the founder of the Mughal dynasty, ruler, commander and talented poet. His poetic works are the best examples of oriental lyrics, praising human dignity, love and decency.

So, in memory of him, a monument has been erected on the central square of Andijan, gracefully sitting Babur on a horse. Seven kilometers from Andijan, the Babur Memorial Park was opened on the Bogishamol hill, where land was brought from Agra, where the ruler died, and land from Kabul, the burial place.

It was not for nothing that the hill "Bogishamol" was chosen. Zahiriddin Babur in his work "Babur-name" said that on this mountain there was a picturesque garden with khujra and aivan – a favorite place for walking and solitude. Before leaving his homeland forever, Babur came here to say goodbye. Centuries later, in 1993, a symbolic tomb was installed at this place, in a marble vault, which immured the earth from the burial place of the ruler.

A museum has also been built in the park, where objects and rare exhibits related to the life and work of Babur are collected. The museum houses a large collection of unique literary works not only by Babur, but also by his descendants who inherited poetic talent. Among the rare copies, you can see diplomatic documents, various souvenirs and gifts – this is how Babur and the Baburids tried to keep in touch with the Central Asian Khans. On special interactive kiosks, you can see introductory presentations about the life and work of the famous figure.

Memorial Park is more like a garden in its picturesqueness. Numerous trees and flowers are planted on the territory. Some of them are very rare species, were brought here specially from all over the world. You can climb to the top of the Bogishamol mountain by cable car, which offers a magnificent panorama of the city and the entire park.

The magnificent park has become the hallmark of the city. Both connoisseurs of the work of Zahiriddin Babur and pilgrims come here to perform pilgrimage rites to honor the memory of the great ruler.

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