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On the south-western spur of the Gissar range, in the Surkhandarya region, there is the world-famous Baysuntau range, which attracts adventurers with its huge caves, deep canyons and Alpine meadows. By the way, the huge fossilized dinosaur tracks were found here and the notorious Teshik-Tash cave, where the burial of a Neanderthal girl was discovered in the last century, is located there.

After crossing the hot steppes of Baysuntau, you find yourself in the fantastic, magical settlements, the names of which are so full of magic: Kafirun, Derbend, Padang, Rabat. Walnut groves are replaced by juniper forests, alpine meadows delight the eye with their bright green, spreading like a carpet on the slopes. The crystal water of the rivers breathes life into all living things around. 

The locals cultivate the land in the old way – drawn by horses and plows. Here the houses are decorated with handmade carpets, bright suzanas, and local clothes and shoes with a variety of embroidered ornaments. Almost all houses have a tandoor – an oven, where bread is baked. Everything in this region is done manually. Blacksmiths masters of Surkhandarya are famed for their skills.

Here, all significant events are accompanied by rites and rituals, in which you can see echoes of paganism. Based on the folk song, the legend “Alpamysh” was born here. The traditions of the local people are unique.

All these are not a fairy tale or fantasy – this is Baysun.


A comment


Juda chiroyli. Shunaqa materiallarni ko'proq qo'yish kerak.

Shahriyor Madatov | 11.03.2021

Keyinchalik ham Sizni xursand qilishga harakat qilamiz!?

National PR-centre | 11.03.2021

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