BBC called Samarkand “the new glittering jewel” of Central Asia

16.01.2024 787

The website of the large British TV channel BBC called Samarkand “the new glittering jewel” of Central Asia.

In his article, the author told about his own experience of staying in Samarkand. It also mentioned the new complex Silk Road Samarkand.

“The brand-new resort Silk Road Samarkand is as grandiose as anything Amir Timur could have dreamed of. Eight skyscraper-style luxury hotels and wellness centres cluster around a wide canal that was used to train rowing champions during Soviet times,” the author notes.

He also talked about the popular tourist attractions, such as Shah-i-Zinda, bazaars and the Eternal City.

The BBC correspondent also noted the reforms being carried out in the country. In the article, he talks about creating a new Uzbekistan with reform of the judiciary, liberalisation of the economy and a new policy of transparency and tolerance.

“Slave labour, which once forced millions of Uzbeks (including children) into the fields to pick cotton, was finally banned in March 2022,” the article says.

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