Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

"Boysun Bahori" festival in the focus of attention of the world media

11.04.2022 1927

The long-awaited and intriguing imagination of travelers from all over the world and lovers of the ethnic culture of the East, the international festival "Boysun Bahori" promises to be a large-scale start to the tourist season in Uzbekistan after a long outbreak due to Covid restrictions.

Several international media have already begun to show their interest in this unique festival, among those noted by us were the international analytical publication "Sada al-Bilad" (Egypt), the electronic portal of the Institute of Culture of the Organization for Economic Cooperation (ECO) (headquarters Tehran, Iran), the news agency "Fars News Agency" (Iran) and the information and analytical publication "China" (PCR).

In the article of the Egyptian edition of "Sada al-Bilad" published in  on April 5, 2022 states that more than 200 representatives of folklore communities operating in Uzbekistan, will take part in the traditional festival, presenting costumes, song and folklore traditions unique for their territory, and the region is undergoing careful preparations for this festival.

The article of the information portal of the Institute of Culture of the Organization for Economic Cooperation (ECO) (Tehran, Republic of Iran), published on April 6 of this year, which attaches great international importance to this folklore festival.

"In 2001, the cultural space of Boysun was included by UNESCO as a "Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity", and in May 2002, the first open folklore festival of folk performers of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan was held in the Khushmanzar district,” the information portal notes.

Iran's largest news agency, “Fars News Agency”, also writes: "The folklore festival "Boysun Spring" is held on May 7 and 8 this year in the village of Padang, Boysun District, Surkhandarya, in order to preserve centuries-old folk values and traditions".

"Picturesque Boysun, a popular region of Uzbekistan, was registered by UNESCO as a masterpiece of the "Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity" and was included in the List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2008. - said the Iranian news agency.

The information and analytical magazine "China" (PRC) also published an article about the upcoming festival "Boysun Bahori", reports  "Dunyo" news agency .

"At the unique festival of folk values and traditions, a large place is given to national competitions in kurash, ethnosport, bicycle marathon, ulak-kupkari, kite flying, chillaku and other folk games. At the end of the festival, the best folklore and ethnographic groups, winners of sports and folk games will be adequately awarded," - the Chinese edition writes.

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