Chadak Village and the “Weeping stones”


There is an ancient village of Chadak in the area of Namangan. It is located in the valley of the Chadaksay River. The village is more than four thousand years old. Despite such a venerable age, the village managed to preserve the originally traditional look of the Central Asian village.

Chadak is famous for its gardens, walnut groves and springs. But the main attraction of the village is the "Weeping Stones". The place resembles an oasis in the middle of the desert in its picturesqueness. In ancient times, trade caravans stopped here and military roads passed. The place was an ideal stop to rest after a long journey and make a supply of crystal-clear water.

Alexander the great passed through the village with his army. Scientists suggest that here he stayed for a long time to recover his strength. After the Macedonian period, the place became popular and became one of the centers of the Kushan Kingdom.

“Weeping Stones" is a small mountain formation, at the top of which is a snowfield. Water flows down the rock and it seems that the rock lets tears through the moss and water plants. According to legend, the rock is a girl in love, who by the will of luck had to part with her beloved. Unable to survive the separation, the girl turned into a "forever crying rock». An interesting fact is that the flowing water does not freeze even in winter and is considered curative. There is a small depression inside the rock. You can go there and make a wish, which is what lovers or single people do in the hope of meeting their love.

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