Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

Safe tourism in Uzbekistan

01.12.2021 66862

Uzbekistan canceled a 10-day quarantine for passengers of 11 countries

The decision of the Special Republican Commission for the fight against coronavirus in Uzbekistan abolished the requirement for a 10-day compulsory quarantine at home or at the hotel for arrivals from Australia, Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, Egypt, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic.

This requirement has been introduced in Uzbekistan since December, 3, 2021 due to the widespread spread of the Omicron coronavirus strain in many countries of Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Uzbekistan is also restoring regular flights (entry, exit and entry into the country by transit flights) with Hong Kong, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Madagascar, Mozambique, Namibia, Eswatini, Tanzania and the Republic of South Africa, which were also canceled in December last year. Now citizens of third countries who have visited these countries in the last 14 days are freely allowed to enter the territory of Uzbekistan.

It is also worth adding that in our country, the quarantine period for citizens who were in contact with a coronavirus patient has been reduced from 14 to 7 days

New decree

On June 19, 2020, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a Decree “On additional measures for the development of the tourism sector with strict observance of the requirements of the enhanced sanitary and epidemiological safety regime”.

This important for the country’s economy document supports the domestic tourism industry and confirms that Uzbekistan is ready to open to the world as the safest tourist destination.

Here are the main measures providing a comfortable and safe stay of tourists in Uzbekistan:

Safe travel is guaranteed

In order to create a safe environment for tourists, Uzbekistan has launched the project “Uzbekistan. Safe travel GUARANTEED”. The project is a new system of sanitary and epidemiological safety for tourists based on the world standards. In other words, you will be able to travel around the country as safely as possible – the unified requirements of sanitary and hygienic standards are introduced at all tourist sites.

According to the new Decree, a whole set of measures for the safe stay of tourists in Uzbekistan is being developed. For example, if a foreign tourist catches COVID-19 while traveling in Uzbekistan, up to $ 3,000 compensation will be allocated for his or her treatment.

The program for the development of medical tourism in Uzbekistan, “Uzbekistan – hope and healing land”, is also being developed. This project will systematize and expand the types of medical services provided to the citizens of foreign countries. The unified list of all health facilities that foreign tourists can receive during the pandemic will be created.

 Learn more about safe travel in Uzbekistan here.

“Open Sky” Regime

From August 1, 2020, “the fifth freedom of the air” will be established at the airports of Andijan, Bukhara and Urgench. All restrictions on the number of flights and destinations are removed. This mode is introduced for 3 years inclusive.

In order to familiarize the foreign tourists with the history of the regions of Uzbekistan, as an example, the international airport of Andijan is named after Zakhiriddin Mukhammad Babur – a prominent political leader, great poet and commander, a descendant of Amir Temur.

The opening of the tourist zones

Nowadays, the work is carried out to improve the infrastructure and readiness to receive new tourists during the pandemic in the free tourist zone “Charvak", zones in the Navoi, Bukhara Jizzakh (in particular in the Zaamin district) regions. The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Tourism Development will monitor the activities of these zones during the pandemic and conduct studies of nature protection zones, reservoirs and forests.

“Uzbekistan – my second home” 

Uzbekistan is developing a new immigration visa “Uzbekistan – my second home”. The government of the country has been instructed to develop a new type of immigration visa for foreign citizens to stay in Uzbekistan within two months. The visa is granted to persons with high income, high academic knowledge, good life skills and abilities.

Safe zones of Uzbekistan

The territory of the country is divided into 3 zones: red (where the largest number of infected patients is registered), yellow (with a small number of infected patients) and green (completely free of COVID-19).

The operation of hotels and tourist facilities in state

According to the decision of the Republican Commission on fighting COVID-19, hotels and other tourist service points are permitted to operate in the “green” and “yellow” zones, subject to the following sanitary conditions:

- Disinfection of rooms, conference rooms, waiting rooms, staircases, elevators, sanitary points is carried out every 8 hours, and disinfection of common items and appliances every 2 hours;

- Providing antiseptic for public areas (elevators, sanitary and hygienic units, currency exchange offices and catering facilities). There should be warning signs about the need for constant hand disinfection in several languages.

- Regular measuring of body temperature and disinfection of visitors’ hands at the entrance to the hotel, provision of individual means (masks, gloves, antiseptics) for employees and visitors of the hotel.

- No more than two guests can be accommodated in the same room, and no more than three people, if they are the members of one family.

- Constant functioning of the hotel’s medical staff.

The situation in Uzbekistan related to the COVID-19 pandemic is gradually improving day by day, so the information on the site will be constantly updated.

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A comment


Thanks for your blog Lots of nice words in this article , nice to read , Do not stop.

Abdulkarim Alfarzai | 28.10.2022

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