The cultural and tourist potential of Uzbekistan will be promoted in the Italian media

19.04.2023 968

A press tour was organized for leading Italian media and bloggers throughout the country in order to widely promote our country in Western Europe, which was attended by: representatives of the publications Centro Studi Eurasia e Mediterraneo, Voyager magazine, ,

During the press tour, which is taking place from April 14 to 20 this year in the city of Tashkent, Samarkand and Bukhara regions, representatives of the Italian media and bloggers got acquainted with the rich history of the country, ancient and ancient monuments and structures, photographed the necessary advertising materials. The prepared information and propaganda information is intended for coverage on the pages of mass media and bloggers with more than a million subscribers who have a popular and wide audience in Italy and throughout Europe, and, as a result, an increase in the flow of Italian and Western European tourists to our country.

For reference: the total audience of Italian media visiting our country exceeds 8 million people. Journalists and bloggers who have come to our country are also followed by millions of subscribers on social networks.

Media representatives carefully get acquainted with the history, developed culture and masterpieces of the ancient cultural heritage of the territory of modern Uzbekistan, prepare high-quality content for the Italian audience about the large-scale reforms carried out in the country in all spheres in recent years.

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