Discover Uzbekistan with Gerard Depardieu

22.10.2020 2097

That was a headline of an article published on October 14 in the Paris “Valeurs Actuelles". The author of the article Jean Kedroff was inspired by watching a film about Uzbekistan with the participation of the famous French actor, now the Ambassador of the tourist brand of Uzbekistan, Gerard Depardieu.

On October 7, the Paris Premiere TV channel showed the documentary "Mon rêve Ouzbek" ("My Uzbek dream") about the French actor's trip to Uzbekistan. The film aroused great interest among the French public.

In "My Uzbek dream” - the latest documentary by Arnaud Frilley, Gerard Depardieu went on an interesting journey through the mysterious Uzbekistan. The author of the article describes Uzbekistan as a unique territory located at the crossroads of several civilizations, as a storehouse of rich history and culture, as evidenced by numerous architectural monuments and archaeological finds conducted almost throughout the country.

"Here is one of the centers of world civilization" - the author quotes the French actor. After two weeks of wandering in the heart of Central Asia, the French actor reveals the finest facets of a precious culture, as if in a mosaic that has absorbed the traditions of various nationalities and great empires.

The author follows step by step the route of Gerard Depardieu, who, as we have learned, likes to travel alone. Shares his impressions of each city, discovering new places and attractions in breathtaking shots that convey the atmosphere of an Eastern fairy tale.

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