Erkin Vohidov Memorial Museum


Address: Turkiston Street, Margilan

Reference point: "Erkin Vohidov National Park"

Hours: Monday-Saturday: 10:00am-18:00pm

Day off: Sunday

Erkin Vohidov Memorial Museum

The Erkin Vohidov Memorial Museum was opened in the picturesque Fergana Valley in the city of Margilan in 2019. The museum is located in the city center in the National Park of Culture and Recreation “Ijodkorlar bog'i” which is also named after Erkin Vohidov, an Uzbek national poet, playwright, public and statesman.

The museum presents exhibits reflecting the life and work of Erkin Vohidov, the place of birth, the period of childhood and study, the first creative works, the formation of a poet and writer, successes and achievements in state and social activities:

- photographs and paintings that show: studying at the Faculty of Philology of Tashkent State University, working as editor-in-chief of the publishing house "Ёш гвардия", working as director of the publishing house of literature and art of Gafur Gulyam, working as editor-in-chief of the journal "Ёшлик", work in the field of public and state activities during Independence of Uzbekistan;

- books and works: collection of poems "Breath of Dawn", collections: "You have my songs", "Heart and mind", "My star", "Echo", "Poem written in a tent", "Lyrics", "Sofa of youth" , "Charogbon", "Living Planets", "East Coast", "Letters to the Future", "Love", "Modern Youth", "Suffering", "Better the Bitter Truth", translations of Goethe's "Faust" into Uzbek, poems Yesenin, Blok, Tvardovsky, Gamzatov, Iqbala, plays: "The Golden Wall", "Istanbul Tragedy", "The Second Talisman";

- awards and titles: the title "Hero of Uzbekistan", the order "For Outstanding Services", the order "Dustlik", People's Poet of the Uzbek SSR, laureate of the State Prize of the Uzbek SSR named after Khamza;

- you can also see fragments of the exposition of the poet's study and the chess corner, mementos, costumes.

A visit to this memorial museum gives a feeling of touching a very close and dear past, which is an unforgettable part of many people living in Uzbekistan or visiting the country.


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