Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

Exciting Kashkadarya. Kitab mountain pass, Amankutan gorge and waterfall Suvtushar


Uzbekistan is a unique country with an interesting culture and different climatic conditions. In the heart of Central Asia, you can see deserts, lakes, and mountains. Traveling from Samarkand to Bukhara, the road passes through one of the most beautiful places in the Republic – through the Kitab pass. Passing through this place, be sure to make a stop to enjoy the incredible beauty of the Zarafshan mountains.

The Kitab pass was the shortest route at all times. It was used by trade caravans of the Great Silk Road, the army of Alexander the Great crossed it, and the Mongols, Arabs, and Persians used it. The most famous travelers, who were going to visit Amir Temur, crossed the pass. Ruy González de Clavijo from Spain is one of them. It is interesting that the Kitab pass is not marked on topographic maps, unlike the other pass “Takhtakaracha” located nearby. The highest point of the pass is 1600 meters above sea level.

The Kitab pass is part of the “Amankutan” tract. This is a magnificent tract, where you can see the beautiful mountains and fascinating valleys of ancient Kesh (Shakhrisabz).

The tract is rich in its flora and fauna. Some plants are listed in the Red book. To preserve the unique natural landscape, rare trees, pines and shrubs were planted here. The territory of the tract is also rich in unusual caves, quirky rocks, and water resources. In spring, the valley is especially beautiful, green colors with blooming mountain slopes are breathtaking.

After passing the place, you will find yourself in one of the largest cities of Kashkadarya – Kitab. Not far from the city the ancient city of Shahrisabz is located, which is also saturated with miracles, as well as the whole of Kashkadarya. Behind Shakhrisabz, climbing into the mountains, there are several unique mountain villages that have managed to preserve their traditional appearance in the modern world. There, near the mountain village of Miraki, is the Gissarak reservoir, which was built on the Aksu river. It seems to be hidden in a deep cavity between the mountains.

The biggest natural miracle will be waiting for you there. Near the village Suvtushar you can see the eponymous waterfall. It is located in the Gissar reserve and flows into the river at an altitude of 2100 meters above sea level. It is almost impossible to take your eyes off such beauty! A noisy stream of water, turning into a lush foam, looks especially spectacular in summer. But in winter, the waterfall is no less beautiful, because it almost does not freeze and this is against the background of snow-capped mountains covered with soft snow. These are not all the listed wonders of exciting Kashkadarya. The region is one of the most mysterious and beautiful places in all the Central Asia.

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