There are a lot of interesting customs and rituals in Uzbek culture. Among them, "Fatiha-tui" is the day of engagement. According to tradition, the groom's family finds a bride for his son. First, everyone will find out about the bride in detail: where she grew up, who her parents are, whether she is decent. If the reputation of the chosen bride is good, then matchmakers from the groom's side go to visit the bride's parents to get acquainted. In the modern world, the bride and groom can get acquainted themselves before matchmaking. But the ceremony of "Fatiha-tui" must necessarily take place, and strictly after the approval of parents.
When the day of "Fatiha-tui" comes, guests gather in the bride's house, namely the groom's family, some relatives, and there must be a representative of the mahalla or an elder - an honorary aksakal.
The groom's representatives explain the essence of the visit, and if they get consent for the engagement, then another important ceremony is held, called "Non sindirish" – "Breaking a cake". After the newly-made bride and groom break the cake in half, then they can be considered engaged. After the ceremony, the families exchange gifts and agree on a wedding celebration. So begins the birth of a new family!
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