Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

Festival “Boysun’s spring” will be held in Uzbekistan

17.02.2022 1940

A unique festival of the awakening of nature and folklore "Boysun’ Spring» will be held in April this year.

The resumption of the International Folklore Festival was prescribed by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 7, 2022. On April, the festival will be held in the vast village of Padang, Boysun district.

Starting from this year, the traditional festival will now be held every two years.

Holding a prestigious festival in the Boysun region, which has unique values, rich intangible cultural heritage and a deep meaning. Since in 2001 the cultural space of Boysun was included by “Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible heritage of humanity” UNESCO list. Furthermore, in May 2002 Khushmanzar region, hosted the first open folklore festival and brought the performers from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.

The competitive part of the festival will be held in the following types of song and dance folklore art: Alla, Ulan, Lapar, folk dances, rituals and rituals, folk games.

In Surkhandarya region, active preparations are underway for the folklore festival "Boysun’s spring", which invites performers of international folk art, artisans and folklorists to the Boysun region. Work is underway to improve the infrastructure of the region, landscaping the surroundings and creating comfortable conditions for participants and fans.

In addition, within the framework of the festival, it is planned to organize scientific and creative conferences, seminars, round tables, folk festivals, concerts, exhibitions and other events, organizing excursions to the sights of the oasis. Exhibitions of national costumes and costumes, handicrafts, works of fine and applied art, screening of feature films and documentaries, audio and video CDs, books, albums, photographs will be organized.

Drone shows, ethno-sport competitions, and cycling marathons will add a special charm to the event.

The winners will be awarded cash prizes, diplomas, prizes and souvenirs with the image of the festival symbol.

The exact date of the festival will be announced in the coming days.

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