International Cultural Forum "Central Asia at the Crossroads of World Civilizations" will be held in Khiva.

08.09.2021 1678

Central Asia is the oldest cradle of civilization with a rich history and cultural and scientific heritage. Located at the crossroads of transcontinental trade and cultural routes, the region was a center of enlightenment, science and education, as well as the exchange of ideas, beliefs, knowledge and crafts.

С 13 по 21 сентября этого года в Хиве пройдет масштабное меропрятие в области культурного наследия Узбекистана - Международный культурный форум «Центральная Азия на перекрестке мировых цивилизаций».

From September 13 to 21 this year, Khiva will host a large-scale event in the field of cultural heritage of Uzbekistan - the International Cultural Forum "Central Asia at the crossroads of world civilizations".

The Forum is held on the initiative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev and under the auspices of UNESCO. The International Cultural Forum is designed to bring together local and state figures from all over the region to discuss regional problems and solve them through effective cooperation. In addition, the forum will be devoted to studying the threats and challenges caused by climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic for the sustainable development of the region, as well as the contribution of its rich cultural heritage to solving problems related to the above-mentioned issues.

Participation is expected at the forum:

  • representatives of academic institutions, experts and scientists specializing in research on Central Asia, scientists in the field of social sciences and humanities, including philosophy, linguistics, history, heritage, art, anthropology, sociology, etc
  • The Ministers of Science, Education and Culture of the Central Asian States of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Iran, the Russian Federation and China, as well as the Director General of UNESCO and the Deputy Director General for Social and Humanitarian Sciences.

Within the framework of the Forum, a meeting of the permanent Council of Ministers of Culture of the TURKSOY countries will be held, during which the report "Khiva – the cultural capital of the Turkic world" and a presentation on the cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2022 will be presented, and the Secretary General of the Turkic Republic will be elected for the next three years.

In parallel with the international forum, a number of events of the Cultural Heritage Week will be held in Tashkent, Khiva and Nukus from September 13 to 21. In particular, the V Congress of the World Society for the Study, Preservation and Popularization of the Cultural Heritage of Uzbekistan will be held. More than 350 scientists and experts from 46 countries of the world and the republic will take part in it: leading orientalists, Koran scholars, researchers, specialists in manuscripts and miniatures, and many others.

The forum program includes more than ten different exhibitions and the presentation of 50 unique books-albums from the series “Cultural heritage of Uzbekistan in the collections of the world”.

It is planned to transfer valuable folios to museums, galleries, educational institutions, embassies and consulates of foreign countries located in Uzbekistan.

In continuation of the Week of Cultural Heritage and the International Forum"Central Asia at the crossroads of world Civilizations", the International Festival of Bakhshi Art and international scientific and theoretical conferences "Archeology and tourism: determining the potential and managing heritage" and "The role of Bakhshi art in the civilization of world culture" will be held in Nukus.

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