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International festival of gold embroidery and jewelry will be held in Bukhara

25.10.2021 3133

Since 2022, an International festival of Gold Embroidery and Jewelry Art will be held in Bukhara every 2 years. A Decree of the President of the Republic was signed on this in April 2021, and in October, 2021 a corresponding Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers was signed.

Within the framework of the International Festival, pageants, presentations and exhibitions, theatrical concert and entertainment programs, cultural and educational events will be organized.

In 2022, the festival will be held from May, 21 to May, 25. Within the framework of the festival, a scientific and practical conference on the topic "Prospects for the development of traditional gold and jewelry art" will be held in Bukhara, and an annual international exhibition and sale of modern equipment, technologies and jewelry products "Uzbek Jewelry Fair" will be held in Tashkent with the involvement of representatives of the jewelry industry of foreign countries, foreign investors, experts and specialists.

Objectives of the festival:

- to identify experienced and talented artisans who carry out activities and make a significant contribution to the development of gold embroidery and jewelry, to preserve and revive their unique and disappearing samples;

-accelerated development of gold embroidery and jewelry, popularization of best practices, training of young people and creation of new jobs in the regions;

-promotion of samples of domestic gold embroidery and jewelry on an international scale as a national brand, attracting tourists by demonstrating the traditions of the national culture of our people;

- conducting extensive presentations of samples of gold embroidery and jewelry, exhibitions of models of artisan towns, reflecting the history, lifestyle and traditions of handicraft schools in each region;

-organization of folk festivals, theatrical performances of folklore ensembles and groups of tightrope walkers, askiyachi and humorists, concert programs of artists, lessons of professional skills by skilled artisans, alleys of artists, sightseeing routes.

The organization of the festival is entrusted to the administration of Bukhara region, the Ministry of Investments and Foreign Economic Relations, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, the Republican association "Hunarmand" and the association "Uzbekzargarsanoat".

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