Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

Kaladzhik - wellness center of ancient Khorezm


In the middle of the sandy desert of Karakum, 90 km from the city of Urgench, there is an amazing oasis, the ecotourist city "Kaladzhik". There are two main attractions on the territory of the town: a fortress, which is about three thousand years old, and a salt lake with medical properties.

The Kaladzhik-kala fortress is located on the shore of the salt lake, and it is considered one of the oldest fortresses on the territory of ancient Khorezm. The height of the wall is 14 meters, and the width is 2.5 meters. The view of the Karakum sand dunes from the top of the fortress is impressive. Agricultural lands with an irrigation system border the desert sands. The heart of the recreation is the wellness center "Kaladzhik". It is known that people have been coming to the lake for treatment since time immemorial, because the place has natural and climatic conditions that are ideal for the treatment of rheumatism, back pain and joint pain. Useful elements that are part of the lake water contribute to improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system, stabilize blood circulation. The fame of the rich healing properties of water has been preserved to this day, so tourists from all over the world come here.

The medical resort has all the opportunities for a productive and pleasant stay. There is a hotel, a yurt camp, an ostrich farm and a nursery with camels are located in the nearby territory. Here you can take a horse ride, visit the museum with the found historical objects from the Kaladzhik-kala fortress, try a variety of national dishes. The water of the lake has unusual properties, no one will ever drown in it, as it is very dense and at the same time soft and enveloping. With its properties, the water resembles the Dead Sea in Israel. After bathing, the patient should first immerse himself in wet sand, and then in dry sand. Despite the fact that the place is located in the desert, the air on the territory is fresh and transparent, it breathes easily and freely. After three or four such procedures, the pain goes away. Patients are under the close attention of doctors who monitor the condition of vacationers.

How did such a lake form in the desert? According to the proposals of scientists, the lake could arise from the confluence of groundwater from neighboring lakes, which could be formed due to frequent flooding. In addition, the lake has one phenomenon: when there is a dry season in the region, the water in the lake only increases, but if the season is high-water, the water becomes, on the contrary, less. " Kaladzhik kala oasis" can be compared with other popular health centers of Uzbekistan, such as" Khumsan"," Omonkhona"," Aktash","Zaamin". In the coming year, the town will grow, additional tourist facilities will appear here.

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