Karshi steppe


Having left the densely populated Zarafshan valley and passing small mountain canyons and spurs of the Zarafshan ridge, through the Kattakurgan reservoir, you find yourself in the vast undulating plain of the Karshi steppe. The picturesque terrain of the steppe at first glance seems rather boring, but it opens up on the other side for researchers of the local flora and fauna. Here you can find various species of reptiles: lizards, snakes, turtles, rodents and exotic birds also live here. The territory of the steppe is covered with desert and ephemeral vegetation. In the Karshi steppe, takyrs are widespread - smooth, like an unfolded sheet of paper, spaces with a dense surface, almost always covered with salts.

In the southwest of the Karshi Valley there is the Sundukli Desert, most of it is covered with sand. Along the edges of the desert you can see small river deposits. One of them, the Taikyr channel, flows into Lake Dengizkul - a real “sea” in the middle of the desert.

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