Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

Konimeh Ecopark


For the fans of ecotourism and camping, there is an Ecopark in Konimeh district of Navoi region.At the entrance to the park, next to the parking lot, there is a cozy restaurant where you can taste Uzbek, Kazakh and Karakalpak national cuisine. You can also taste fresh camel milk – shubat , a traditional Kazakh drink, walk around the park, visit yurts, 12 of which are designed for 12 people at the same time and 1 – for 25 people.

Among the other things, there are a musical fountain, children’s rides, a sport field and an amphitheater – everything is for cultural leisure.

Address: Navoi region, Konimeh district

Phone numbers: +99891 308 69 95, +99893 315 33 79, +99891 330 99 00, +99878 770 39 44

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