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“Lazurnaya” recreation area


The picturesque recreation area “Lazurnaya” is located not far from the city of Navoi. It attracts many tourists with great vacation opportunities on the shore of the beautiful Tudakul lake.

There are hotel complex, cottages, cafes and salons on the territory of the recreation area.

Address: Navoi region, Kiziltepe district.

Contacts: +99893 521 21 17, +99893 521 21 18, +99893 521 83 99, +99878 770 39 44

*Take care of your own safety and the safety of your children before going to water pools, using ships, boats, and other types of equipment.

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Добрый вечер дайте контакты,чтоб с вами можно было связаться

Shakhnoz Rustamova | 05.04.2022

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