Le Figaro: Uzbekistan has become one of the few countries in the world to avoid an economic recession in 2020


January 6, 2021, French leading daily morning newspaper Le Figaro published an article entitled "Countries that avoided recession in 2020", in which the Republic of Uzbekistan was noted as one of the few countries in the world that bypassed the recession in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The author of the article Armelle Bohinest cites the World Bank data, according to which there is a drop in the world level of GDP by 4%.
The economic recession that hit the world last year has been on a global scale since the two World Wars.
"From Europe to America, from Africa to Asia, no continent has escaped this historic shock." According to Le Figaro, only a few countries managed to cope with the" planetary tsunami", demonstrating economic growth in a difficult 2020.
The author notes that only three Central Asian states, in particular Uzbekistan, demonstrated positive economic dynamics in 2020.
"The Government of Uzbekistan, according to the assessment of the International Monetary Fund, was able to take prompt measures,

In particular, it increased spending on social needs and health care and provided significant assistance to small and medium-sized businesses to cope with"COVID-19".

The leader of a country rich in natural resources (natural gas, metals, fertilizers, cotton) and with a high tourism potential, in recent years has been implementing ambitious economic reforms to take the country out of the "hard governance" model that prevailed until 2016, "- the author notes.

According to the article, the World Bank included only 22 countries, including China, Turkey, Vietnam, etc. the list of countries that managed to avoid a recession in 2020.

For reference: Le Figaro is a French daily morning newspaper founded in 1826 and published in Paris. It is an important player in the field of digital information and the leader of news sites with almost 23.5 million visitors per month. The newspaper's circulation for 2020 is 329 000.

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