Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

Museum of archaeology of Termez


Founded in 2001 in honor of the 2,500 th anniversary of Termez, the Termez archaeological Museum is one of the main museums in the country.

The museum’s exposition, presented in 10 halls, is considered one of the richest in all the Central Asia. There are more than 40 thousand archaeological artifacts and ancient objects collected here.

The local library contains more than 17 thousand books, including handwritten works in many languages.

Stone pool, statues, ceramic vessels – in the museum you can see the unique items related to 20 archaeological monuments of different eras in the history of the region.

Visiting the main halls of the Museum, you can learn more about the history of the Kushan Empire, Hellenistic culture, Ancient Bactria, the Stone and Bronze ages, the culture of Northern Tokharistan and much more.

There is also a workshop for the restoration of antique items.

Every year, new finds are added to the Museum's collection due to the archaeological expeditions conducted in Baysun, Zharkutan and ancient monuments of the Surkhandarya oasis.


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