Museum of Tashkent


Tashkent is one of the oldest cities in Uzbekistan, which is more than 2200 years old.

Located at the busy crossroads of the Great Silk Road, Tashkent for many centuries was the largest center of science, culture and education. Many people known to the world lived here: rulers, scientists, prominent figures of culture and art, writers, poets, artists.

Today the capital is developing and becoming one of the most important and prosperous cities in Central Asia. Until now, not a single museum has been dedicated to Tashkent.

And so, in January 2020, after the visit of President Mirziyoyev to the Alisher Navoi Park, now the Alley of Writers of Uzbekistan, a decree was received to organize the Museum of Tashkent here.

The new museum is located in the park, in the building of the former Exhibition Hall of Culture and Arts. The famous Alley of Writers of Uzbekistan is located nearby.

The museum displays the past, customs and traditions of the Tashkent people, examples of art and culture of the ancient region.
On the first floor there are sections "Tashkent - the center of science", "Tashkent - the city of tolerance", "Applied art". On the second floor "Everyday life and culture" - objects of labor and everyday life of antiquity, models of attractions.

The museum contains more than a thousand antiques; the fund is replenished with new exhibits every day.


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