Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

Namangan Flowers - 2021 - Namangan Flower Festival

30.04.2021 1564

Every year, at the end of spring, a real flower extravaganza takes place in the "city of flowers" in Namangan – the Flower Festival.   Guests come to admire the botanical masterpieces not only from all over the republic, but also from other countries.

The Namangan Flower Festival has been held since 1961 and is a grandiose event for every Uzbek, reflecting the wealth of available plants and flower culture.

This year the festival will be held from 24 to 31 May, the event will be attended by more than 150 entrepreneurs-florists, as well as more than 300 amateur flower growers. It is worth noting that the number of planted seedlings increases from year to year. And this year, for the first time in the history of the festival, 10 million flowers of seedlings are expected to be planted.

 The flower festival opens with a large-scale automobile parade: more than 150 vehicles, cars and motorcycles decorated with colorful flowers in the form of ornaments will pass through the streets of Namangan to the delight of residents and guests of the festival. The route will follow to the central recreation park named after Babur, where the official opening ceremony of the festival will start.

The flower Festival will be held at a high international level. Guests from South Korea, Russia, Turkey, the Netherlands and neighboring countries such as Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan are invited to participate in the festival.

 Also, representatives of domestic and foreign media, including from Russia, China, Turkey, Iran, India and Central Asian countries, are expected to participate in the coverage of the event. For the guests of the festival, rare shots and selfies from an exotic flower festival can become a vivid memory of traveling through the cities of the Fergana Valley.

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