Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

The Narindjan-baba Complex


The Narindjan-baba Complex (XIII – XIV centuries A.D.) is one the most sacred and worshipped places in Karakalpakstan. It is represented by a multicompartment group of buildings. Its initial nucleus was a mausoleum. The gravestone of a saint is located in its centre.

Tombstones with epitaphs found within the territory of the monument are now kept in the Karakalpakstan State Museum of Regional Studies in Nukus.

Narinjan-baba was discovered in the XIII century by Muslim leader MukhtarVali, who built a new mausoleum building. A room for pilgrims was added later. This place was often used for Sufi rituals (zikr). Complex was rebuilt again and its gravestone decorated with marble.

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