Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

Natural salt cave "Khodjaikon"


How to prepare for the disease? Hardening and observing a healthy lifestyle. But sometimes the disease can overtake unexpectedly even the healthiest person. There are special places of nature in Uzbekistan that have healing properties.
We present to your attention the natural salt cave "Khodjaikon". This is an amazing place, being in which is healthy, unusual and interesting. In total, there are five similar speleological clinics in the CIS countries. The main effect of the Khodjaikon cave is achieved due to the concentration of salt and light negative aerons in the air, which has a beneficial effect in the treatment of pulmonological diseases.

The essence of the treatment is to find salt mines in the cave and mines. The treatment procedure in the cave takes about 2-2.5 hours a day. The unique microclimate, which is achieved with the help of constant temperature and humidity, is the purest air environment, without allowing air infection. The Khodjaiskon salt cave is located on the southeastern slope of the foothills of the Kugitangtau ridge in the Sherabad district of Surkhandarya region and is located at an altitude of 1200 meters above sea level. It was opened in 1989 and externally represents a large salt monolith, inside of which there is a system of galleries. Inside the galleries there are five treatment rooms-chambers that differ from each other in temperature, humidity, pressure and trace elements. The walls of the cave are uniquely covered with a layer of salt from one to three centimeters, in the passage there is a spring containing a saline solution.  
 Throughout the year, the air temperature will remain in the range of 7-27 C, relative humidity of 50-70%, atmospheric pressure of about 700 mm Hg. Elements such as magnesium, potassium, iron hydroxide and about twenty more trace elements predominate in the air.

Staying in the Khodjaikon cave will be a useful addition in the treatment of allergic respiratory diseases, acute and chronic bronchitis with a prolonged course, asthma, complications of pneumonia, patients with reduced immunity and skin diseases.  
 In addition, at the end of the salt galleries there is a corridor that leads to the observation deck. There is a magnificent panoramic view of the Surkhandarya Mountains. Also, not far from the "Khodjaikon" you can see salt lakes.

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