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Navruz - a holiday of renewal and kindness. Mass festivities will be held in Tashkent in the honor of the national holiday

07.03.2022 2541

The sages of the East say, "The good in people is their nature”. Every nation has a natural desire to make their life colorful, emotionally rich, and this was served by a variety of holiday’s rituals that decorated people's lives, gave hope for a new life.

Navruz is a nationwide holiday that came to us from the depths of centuries which is the simulating renewal of nature, the phenomenon of a new day, which was celebrated on the day of the spring equinox. With this holiday, people expresses their attitude to the cosmic cycle of nature. Moreover, this is so natural, because people are the children of nature and live according to its laws.

It is noteworthy that the harmony with the surrounding world, humanity, kindness and mercy, tolerance, friendship and harmony embody the spirit and philosophy of this ancient holiday. Today, these high qualities acquire an even deeper meaning and significance.

Given the great importance of Navruz, preserved and revered by many peoples from the East for many centuries, the United Nations in 2020 declared March 21 as international day of Navruz.

This year in Uzbekistan, Navruz will be widely celebrated thus, the government approved a 5 day consecutive non-working days for citizens to celebrate the day of the spring equinox.

The national sayil held in the format of folk festivals will be held under the motto "Assalam, Navruz - a holiday of renewal and kindness, honor and dignity!" at a high level.

In Tashkent, from 19 to 23 March, folk mass celebrations "Navruz" are planned in the Ethnopark. The program includes performances by famous artists, young pop performers and dance groups, masters of sports, amateur performances and folklore groups, exhibitions of young artisans, as well as an evening cultural program with a colorful laser show.

For the first time, 100 tandoors will be involved in the event, where 10,000 most delicious samosas, sumalak, pilaf and other national dishes will be prepared.

The holiday will be decorated with bright performances of dorbozov, artists of the Tashkent circus, children's show groups and performances of patronymic stars.

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