Nazhmiddin Kubro - an example of courage and nobility


The shortest life is at a person

 who spends it pointlessly, at random, 

with the words "oh, what a pity", "if only"...

Nazhmiddin Kubro 

Ancient Khiva - a city-museum from the past. How many legends and tales are stored in the walls of this ancient center of Khorezm culture. Khiva became the birthplace of the great theologian and religious figure, who fought against the hordes of Genghis Khan until his last days.

Sheikh Nazhmiddin Kubro was born in 1145 in Khiva. Since his early youth, he studied hadith and kalam, was studying in Egypt, Tabriz and Hamdan. After returning to his homeland, he became actively engaged in religious activities, founded the Kubraviya brotherhood in Urgench, wrote poems and treatises on Sufism in Arabic and Persian.

There is no doubt that he was a talented poet and a great patriot. His works speak for themselves. But what he did for his native Khorezm is striking to the heart.  

During Genghis Khan's invasion of Khorezm, the sheikh was in Urgench. The city was besieged, but the name of Nazhmiddin Kubro was already known far beyond the borders of ancient Khorezm. Genghis Khan had already heard about him as an extremely decent man. The conqueror invited the sheikh and his family to leave the city. However, Kubro resolutely refused: "I have lived in this city for many years and each of its inhabitants is dear to me. In these difficult days, I can't leave them." After that, the merciless tyrant decides to attack the city. 

Before engaging in battle with the enemy, Nazhmiddin Kubro asks his friends and teachers to leave the city. With his devoted fellow students, Kubro tried to resist the Mongol army to the last. He was wounded twice. After the first wound, the sheikh put on a chapan and hid the traces of the wound. After the second wound, Kubro pulled the arrow out of his chest with his own hand and launched it into the sky, addressing Allah: "If you show favor to me, you want to see me as a friend, your mercy is enough for me, but if I turn to you for salvation, then where will my courage go?!".  

Nazhmiddin Kubro continued to fight. He managed to grab the enemy banner, which he never let go of his hands, even when he was captured by the Mongols. To take their banner back, the Mongols mercilessly cut off the fingers of the sheikh.

Until his very last breath, Nazhmiddin Kubro fought in Urgench side by side with the common people. It was as if everything was predetermined, because the basis of the tariqat of Kubraviya is an immeasurable contempt for the enemies - the Mongols. Nazhmeddin Kubro became a vivid example of true patriotism, nobility and honesty. To this day, Kubro remains a great saint and a particularly revered sheikh.

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