Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

A new Chess magazine has been presented in Tashkent

19.07.2021 1833

Today, July 19, the presentation of the new magazine "Chess" took place at the International Chess Academy. 

The event was attended by the Vice-President of the Chess Federation of Uzbekistan Husan Turdialiyev, the General Secretary of the Federation and representatives of the media. The main topic of the event was a new magazine about chess sports.

This magazine, developed jointly by the State Unitary Enterprise " National PR-center " under the Ministry of Tourism and Sports and the Chess Federation of Uzbekistan, prepared based on the tasks defined by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 14, 2021 “On measures for the further development and popularization of chess and improvement of the system of training chess players”.

Vice-President of the Chess Federation of Uzbekistan Husan Turdialiyev noted the following at the presentation:

"Now a lot of attention is paid to the development of chess sports. So far, over the past 5 years, our country has grown 5 grandmasters who are age of 15-18 , and we have set ourselves goals and objectives to further increase the number of such masters of sports. In the initial part of our plan, after the beginning of the school year, students who are passionate about chess, talented, and have logical thinking are selected from among the students."

The monthly magazine "Chess" will acquaint readers with the latest news in the world of chess and will attract them to participate in solving logical puzzles related to a unique chess game.

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