Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

October, 24 – Election Day of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan


The current Presidential Elections of the Republic of Uzbekistan will be held this Sunday, October 24, 2021. The elections-2021 will be the sixth direct presidential election in the history of Uzbekistan.

According to the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan is elected for a term of five years, and the same person cannot be President of the Republic of Uzbekistan for more than two consecutive terms.

A citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan at least 35 years old, fluent in the state (i.e. Uzbek) language, permanently residing in the territory of Uzbekistan for at least ten years immediately before the elections, may be elected President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

This year we can vote for one of 5 candidates from 5 active political parties of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

Alisher Kadyrov - Milliy Tiklanish Democratic Party;

Bahrom Abdukhalimov – Social Democratic Party "Adolat";

Shavkat Mirziyoyev - acting President of the Republic, Liberal Democratic Party “UzLiDeP”;

Maksuda Varisova – People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan;

Narzulla Ablamuradov – Ecological Party of Uzbekistan.

It is possible to take part in the elections at polling stations at your place of residence in all cities and towns in the republic, as well as at polling stations located on the territory of diplomatic missions of Uzbekistan in foreign countries.

If you are a citizen Uzbekistan, have time to choose your candidate from each point of the world and remember, by participating in the presidential elections of the Republic of Uzbekistan, you choose the future of your country!

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