Representatives of influential Russian media in Uzbekistan!

26.09.2023 696

In recent years, in order to promote the tourism potential of Uzbekistan on a global scale, representatives of influential media from around the world have been invited to our country.

To attract more Russian tourists to our country, various projects are being implemented. One of them is a visit to Uzbekistan by representatives of influential media of the Russian Federation on the initiative of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Russia.

This tour, called "Journey to an Eastern Tale", includes cities such as Bukhara and Samarkand, and allows you to get acquainted with the tourism potential of these ancient cities. On September 21 of this year, representatives of the international information agency "Russia Today", IA TASS, "Vestnik Ator", "Arguments and Facts", "", "Komsomolskaya Pravda", "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" and other media were visited by representatives of the Bukhara ensemble Lyabi Khovuz, Kosh madrasah, market tents of Magoki Attar, Poi Kalon ensemble, Timi Abdullakhan, Ark fortress, Sitorai Mohi Khosa and Mir Arab madrasah.

“We came to Bukhara for the first time thanks to this project, and it fascinated us. Our articles about this beautiful city will undoubtedly be colorful, and I think this will increase the flow of Russian tourists.

Personally, I will share a description of this place with my relatives and invite them to come here,” said one of the Russian media representatives.

Trips to the main regions of our country also left a great impression on representatives of influential Russian publications.

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