Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

The return of the largest event in the tourism industry of Central Asia - the Tashkent International Tourism Fair!

03.08.2022 1463

The tourist market of Uzbekistan is full of interesting and progressive events. Tashkent International Tourism Fair - "Tourism on the Silk Road" (TITF) - is the brightest, large-scale event in the tourism industry of Uzbekistan and the entire Central Asian region.

This year, on November 30, the grand opening of TITF-2022 will take place at “Uzexpocentre”. The organizers of the event are the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan, State Unitary Enterprise "National PR-Centre" and SAYS.

TITF has been held since 1995 with the official support of the UN World Tourism Organization. Every year the exhibition gathers tourism business professionals from all over the world. For example, the last fair, which was held offline in 2019, is the largest in the history of TITF. This fair set several records:

- visiting more than 23 thousand participants, of which more than 1000 foreign specialists in the field of tourism;

- holding more than 15,000 negotiations, of which more than 9,000 cooperation agreements were signed, record agreements were reached with representatives of the most famous companies from Korea, Egypt, Malaysia, India, Kyrgyzstan, Thailand, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, China, the Republic of Belarus, Indonesia and UAE. In addition, Georgia participated in TITF for the first time. Also on the list of foreign participants were guests from Singapore, Turkey, Israel, Korea, Belgium and France.

After a two-year pause, a grand return of TITF-2022 with the participation of many foreign countries with their stands is expected in Tashkent again, where the fair will provide exhibitors with the opportunity to meet with professionals of the tourism industry.

To participate in TITF-2022, you can register at the following link:

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