Shah-i-Zinda in the focus of British experts of Islamic art

09.02.2023 1095

"The Treasure of Samarkand: The Beauty and History of Shah-i-Zinda" – an article under this heading was published on the website of the British multimedia platform about Islamic art and culture "Bayt Al Fann".

"Shah-i-Zinda is one Samarkand’s most beloved sites, which contains some of the richest tile work in the world. The magnificent architecture draws inspiration from multiple periods & styles, taking you back through time & across cultures..." - the publication notes.

The author makes a short excursion into the history of the construction of Shah-i–Zinda. The Shah-i-Zinda ensemble includes mausoleums, mosques and other ritual structures of the 11th-15th and 19th centuries. The name of the complex "Shah-i-Zinda" is translated from Persian as "the living king" and is associated with the symbolic grave of Kusa-ibn-Abbas, the cousin of the Prophet Muhammad, who came to Samarkand in the VII century with the Arabs and spread Islam.

The article notes the fascinating interweaving of various architectural styles, methods and decorative craftsmanship, which includes mausoleums, mosques and other ritual buildings of the XI–XV and XIX centuries.

Colorful illustrations in the mausoleum create a surreal landscapes - tombs decorated with highly artistic mosaics telling about the influence of Central Asian cultures and Quranic writings about the history of the mausoleum.

In 2001, UNESCO included Samarkand in the World Heritage List as "Samarkand - the crossroads of cultures".

At the very entrance, welcoming visitors into the mosque, La ilaha illa Allahu Muhammad Rasulallah "which translates perfectly translated beloved Prophet Muhammad everlasting legacy “There no God apart our Lord” stands engraved in stone.

Defining the symbolism of the Great Silk Road, the Shah-i-Zinda necropolis has become a melting pot of Arab, Persian, Turkic, local and Chinese influences, which makes it today one of the most mysterious and breathtaking sights of Uzbekistan, which attracts countless tourists every year.- the author notes.

In every corner, the divine symbolism reveals not only the complex architectural solutions created under the influence of the Silk Road cultural exchange regions, but also the serene mastery of storytelling, noted since ancient times.

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