Shahi-Zinda is on the list of winners of the "Historical Photographer of the Year-2021"

26.11.2021 2070

The online edition of The Guardian published the winners of the international competition of historical photographs "Historic Photographer of the Year-2021".

Among the winners of the contest is a photo of the Shahi-Zinda ensemble by photographer Julian Elliott.

The annual international competition "Historic Photographer of the Year" showcases the best historical and cultural places of the world from around the world, capturing everything from the most famous national treasures to little-known tourist destinations.

Whether it’s a ruined English castle, an underground Roman villa or the haunting beauty of a long-forgotten battlefield, historical sites are among the most picturesque places to photograph on Earth, and the organizers of the contest are calling on photographers from all over the world to send their best work to present the essentive beauty of historical sites.

This year, due to various restrictions, due to the pandemic, participants did not have to travel around the world, but send already recorded and the best images of fascinating historical places collected from the archives of the participants.

Recall that the famous photographer of the British edition of the "Bradt Travel Guides", Julian Elliot, visited Uzbekistan in July-August 2021 to get acquainted with the rich history and culture of our country.

During his visit, the photographer visited Tashkent, Bukhara, Samarkand, Kashkadarya, Surkhandarya, Jizzakh regions, the Fergana Valley and Karakalpakstan.

The visit of the British photographer to Uzbekistan was organized with the assistance of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

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