Shakhrisabz is an actual destination for all types of tourist holidays

09.04.2024 399

Shakhrisabz, whose historical center is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, is going to host a number of events under the slogan "Shakhrisabz – the Tourism Capital of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) for 2024". The decision on this was made during the 4th ECO Ministerial Meeting on Tourism.

Uzbekistan is rich in ancient cities, but Shakhrisabz, where Amir Temur was born and raised, deserves special attention among them. The city attracts travelers from all over the world. Over the years of independence, all conditions for receiving tourists have been created here. In addition, efforts continue to be made to increase their flow.

The ongoing reforms make a significant contribution to improving the tourism infrastructure not only of Shakhrisabz, but also of the entire Kashkadarya region. They allow to build up the potential in ecotourism, ethnotourism and other relevant areas of the tourism sector. Along with this, cultural events are organized that provide an opportunity to reveal the intangible heritage of the region, entrepreneurship in the field of tourism is developing, and youth activity is increasing.

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