Amir Temur Square


On August 31, 1994, on the eve of the third anniversary of the independence of Uzbekistan, the square was named “Amir Temur Square”, and a bronze equestrian monument was opened in its centre. President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov, who was present at the opening ceremony, delivered a speech in which he said: “Our people, who have been in a colonial grip for many years, have been deprived of the opportunity to honor their great compatriot and pay tribute to his historical merits.”

The sculptors Kamol and Ilkhom Dzhabbarovs depicted the ruler dressed in royal military clothes and riding a horse, since he spent most of his life in military campaigns. In his hands there is no weapon, he is depicted here as a ruler, statesman. The motto of Amir Temur, “Strength is in justice,” is displayed on the monument in four languages.

Amir Temur, a famous statesman and commander, was born in the Khoja Ilgar village, near Shakhrisabz. He was the son of Taragai from to the Barlas clan. From his youth, Temur participated in various campaigns, delved into the system of government. He had run a vast empire for over 30 years. He built one the biggest empires in the history.

Amir Temur founded a centralized state in Movarounnahr, eliminated the fragmentation, and created favorable opportunities for the development of the country’s economy, undermined by the long-term domination of the Mongols. Due to the political energy and purposeful activities of Amir Temur, the institutions of state, social and military administration were revived and improved.

The time of his reign was marked by a brilliant rise of architecture, urban planning, literature, decorative and applied arts, which is a unique phenomenon on a global scale.

More information about the life and work of the Temurids dynasty can be found in the State Museum of the Temurids’ history, located next to the square.

The State Museum of the Temurids’ History, created on the initiative of the First President I. A. Karimov, was opened in the centre of Tashkent on October 18, 1996, to the 660th anniversary of Amir Temur. Unusually shaped structure with a dome in the style of famous architectural monuments is eye-catching and attracts attention.

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