Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

State sanctuaries of Uzbekistan


The nature of Uzbekistan is beautiful! The landscape, eco-objects and attractions fascinate with their beauty, unique ecosystem, rare species of plants and animals.

Айдаркуль, Джизакская область

In order to preserve biodiversity in the republic, state sanctuaries are created - a protected natural area where only plants or only animals, or their individual species, or individual historical-memorial or geological objects are protected.

Миграция птиц над Айдар-Арнасайской системой озер

Is it possible to visit sites of nature sancturies and how to get to them?

Although local authorities take practical control over the territories of state sanctuaries throughout the year, depending on the season, the territories may be in a relaxed security regime and are accessible to tourists. Excursions from the administrative centers of the regions are organized for state customers, but you can also get there by yourself.

Where are the state sancturaies  located?

State nature sanctuaries created in Bukhara, Jizzakh, Kashkadarya, Samarkand, Navoi regions, as well as in the Republic Karakalpakstan. They are often located on the territories of nature reserves and the lands of other land users, such as forestry, farms, and are organized for a certain period (5-10 years).

Стая птиц, Джизакская область

What to see?

On the territory of the wetland reserves , you can see the ways of mass migration and wintering of birds. Lowland nature reserves are home to unique desert-steppe areas, where foxes, steppe and dune cats, caracals, gazelles, sandstone hares, golden eagles and many others live. Each state customer is distinguished by its own landscape, fauna and flora.

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Juliet Sadikova | 23.02.2021

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