Take part in the actions promoting the tourism potential of Uzbekistan!

16.09.2020 1004

Do you love Uzbekistan and want to tell the world about this fantastic country?

Take part in the new promotions #UzbekistanImpressions and #MeningSayohatim, held by the State  Committee of Uzbekistan for tourism development from September 15 to October 15, 2020.

 The campaigns are aimed at promoting domestic and safe tourism in the country. All interested persons can participate in the promotions, regardless of their location and citizenship. 

To participate in promotions, you should:

- Subscribe to the official pages of the State  Committee of Uzbekistan for tourism development and the National PR-center on   Facebook (@uzbektourism.uz and @uzbekistan.tourism) and Instagram ( @UZBEKTOURISM_OFFICIAL and @uzb_travel).

–To post cool photos  from your trip to Uzbekistan on Facebook and Instagram pages with the  #UzbekistanImpressions and #MeningSayohatim .

Within a month, a list of participants will be formed on the official pages of the State  Committee of Uzbekistan for tourism development with  #UzbekistanImpressions and #MeningSayohatim hashtags.

October 30, online generator www.random.org. will determine a  winner. 

At the end of the campaign, the best photos will be published on the official pages of the State  Committee of Uzbekistan for tourism development, and the winners will be awarded certificates and memorable gifts.

The award ceremony will be held in Uzbekistan after the lifting of restrictions related to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. 

Note: photos used in the promotion must not contain offensive or negative content.

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