Tashkent is at the top three CIS cities for virtual tours


We have great news for you! Our capital is among the top three CIS cities for virtual trips to attractions and museums.

“Tour Stat” travel portal compiled the rating the best CIS cities by the number of offers for the virtual excursions via Internet.

Minsk, Almaty and Tashkent are among the top three cities. Bishkek, Baku, Yerevan, Kishinev and Dushanbe follow them.

So, if you want to see Tashkent without leaving your home, then welcome to the virtual reality.

You can see the sights of our city on our website and in social networks https://www.facebook.com/uzbekistan.tourism/.

 To view museum exhibits, we recommend the following page http://3d.museums.uz/toshkent3/index.php/

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