Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

The first outdoor sports and music festival SKY CAMP BO'STONLIQ will be held in Tashkent region

13.09.2021 1758

September 18 - 19, 2021 the first outdoor sports and music festival in Uzbekistan from the organizers of the Samarkand Half Marathon - SKY CAMP BO'STONLIQ will be held in the Tashkent region.

The venue - the all-season mountain resort Amirsoy and Chorvoq Oromgohi recreation area.

SKY CAMP BO'STONLIQ is a bright event that will unite those who share a love for mountains and an active lifestyle and will include three days of activities and four different competitions.

The sports program will include races for:

Sky Camp Run – a race to the top of the mountain at a distance of 4 km (vertical kilometer);

Sky Camp Bike-mountain bike race for a distance of 11 km;

Sky Camp Swim – swimming on the territory of the Charvak reservoir at a distance of 1 km;

Sky Camp Zen is an event that combines three types of activity: yoga, a 5 km race and meditation.

To register for participation in the races, you can follow the link.

The festival is organized by: Art & Culture Development Foundation, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, the Bostonliq district administration.

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