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The International Lazgi Dance Festival has opened in Khiva

27.04.2022 3321

Yesterday, on April 26, the International Dance Festival "Lazgi" opened in Khiva. The opening ceremony was held at the Kunya Ark Square in Ichan Kala, with the participation of heads of state and non-state organizations, diplomatic corps, foreign tourists, residents of the region, as well as representatives of local and foreign media.

The UNESCO Representative Office in Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, the Ministry of Culture, Khorezm region country executive and other departments organized this vibrant and colorful event.

At the opening of the event, Abdujabbar Abduvakhitov, State Adviser to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the Development of science, education, health and Sports, delivered a welcoming message of the President Sh. Mirziyoyev to the participants of the festival.

"Special attention is paid to the comprehensive support and establishing necessary conditions for the artists of the legendary song and dance ensemble "Lazgi", which has been working fruitfully in our country for many decades. In particular, thanks to the ballet performance staged last year at the Alisher Navoi State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Uzbekistan in creative collaboration with German directors, the ancient history and charm of the “Lazgi” dance are revealed in a wonderful artistic interpretation. This work is perceived with great interest not only by the viewers of our country, but also by foreign art lovers. Holding the international Lazgi Dance Festival every two years in the city of Khiva, starting this year, will undoubtedly create great opportunities for the preservation and comprehensive promotion of this unique art form, and further expansion of international cultural ties on this basis."- has been noted at President’s message

Among the participants of the festival are more than 190 masters and lovers of dance art, professional dance groups, art historians, famous cultural figures from 30 countries.

169 people from 18 countries will take part in the competitive part of the festival, which will take place from April 26 to 30. The contestants will be evaluated by an international jury of 6 professional specialists.

Within the framework of a large-scale cultural event, a special place will be taken in the international scientific and practical conference "The place of Uzbek national dance in the world dance art", which will be held on April, 27.

The festival will last until April 30, 2022.

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