Safety and Travel Features in Uzbekistan

The route is done: Shakhrisabz - Gissarak reservoir - Sarchashma


To see the traditional ethnic Uzbekistan, to touch the original culture and history of the Uzbek people, a trip along the route Shakhrisabz – Gissarak reservoir – Sarchashma in Kashkadarya region is ideal for this.  Kashkadarya is a unique region that immerses in the world of ancient history, rare historical monuments and natural attractions. The region is located in the south of Uzbekistan, has a warm climate, a diverse landscape, untouched nature. Natural and climatic conditions allow us to grow delicious fruits and vegetables, nuts, melons, differing in their taste qualities in the Kashkadarya region. The tourism potential of the region attracts a large number of tourists from all over the world.

Your journey will start from Amir Temur's hometown - Shakhrisabz. The historical center of the city is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. This center in the Middle Ages represented "hisar– - the urban core, surrounded by a fortress wall. Hisar was a densely populated area and was well protected. The wall can be seen to this day, it is popularly called "The Wall of Amir Temur". The palace of Amir Temur, the cathedral mosque, government buildings, handicraft centers, the central market, the main cemetery, the estates of wealthy owners and other buildings were located in Hisar.
 The gates of the Aksaray Palace, despite the fact that modern Shakhrisabz has been transformed, the city has preserved its identity and historical center. Behind the wall of Amir Temur, you can see the ruins of the ancient Aksaray Palace, the Kok-Gumbaz mosque, the Dorut-Tilovat memorial complex, the mausoleums of Dorus-Saodat, Shamsad-Din Kulyal, Gumbazi-Seyidan, museums, handicraft shops and much more.

 There are numerous hotels and guest houses near the center. One of the natural wonders of the Kashkadarya region can be considered the Gissarak reservoir. It is located 35 km from Shakhrisabz, was built on the Aksu River and is located in a depression between the mountains.
In 23 km from the reservoir is the high-mountain village of Sarchashma. It is located near the Hissar Nature Reserve on the border with the Republic of Tajikistan. This is an amazing place where the traditions and customs of ethnic Tajiks and Iranians have been preserved. The population lives in adobe houses, engaged in animal husbandry and folk art. In the V-VI centuries, Persians lived on this territory. It is believed that it was in this village that the anti-Arab uprising of Mukanna, known as the movement of "people in white clothes", took place. Mukanna was a preacher and fought against the Abbasid Caliphate. According to legend, one of the uprisings took place on Mount Sanam, which can be seen to this day in the village. There are many beautiful places in the vicinity of the village, the people live modest and hospitable, every resident is always happy to receive guests. There are also many springs and beautiful mountain slopes around the village.

Traveling in Uzbekistan, be sure to take a look at the Kashkadarya region, and you will discover a completely new unexplored world!

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